Key Personnel

Key Personnel

Mike Sinnott

I am a Registered Nurse Mental Health (RNMH) and been an influential Board Member and National Health Service Manager/Director, with a wide career portfolio and proven record in the fields of service modernisation, corporate governance, transformational leadership, strategic change, provision of services and commissioning. In addition I have a broad experience of collaborative working across the range of statutory, voluntary and for profit and not for profit organisations.

I have been especially effective in implementing complex management structures to radically improve process and service standards, building relationships with stakeholders at all levels to deliver challenging, complex projects with regional and national implications. 

As a Specialist Advisor to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and a Peer Reviewer with Health Inspectorate Wales (HIW) I am well placed to help services to meet the requirements of the inspectorates. I also possess an in-depth knowledge of relevant Mental Health legislation and I am up to date with the emerging national agenda relating to health services and social care. 

My previous senior level experience has included Director of Mental Health in a Welsh Health Board, Associate Director of Mental Health Commissioning as a joint health and social care role and General Manager of Mental Health in an inner city provider Trust. 

Specialist areas include:
Innovation | Social Care | Mental Health | Service Modernisation | Stakeholder Engagement | Informed Strategy Development | Public Sector | Non Profit | Process Transformation | Change Management | Top Down Engagement | Corporate Governance

Hilary Pinfold

I am a mental health nurse with over 20 years’ experience,  in adult services including acute, community, eating disorders, rehabilitation and most recently locked rehabilitation. I have a long history of working within secure services including the In Reach Team at HMP.  I have also worked within medium and low secure settings and acted as an advisory nurse on the Shropshire Forensic Liaison Panel. I also have experience of working as a nurse leader in the elderly care setting.

I regularly work alongside both the Care Quality Commission and Health Inspectorate Wales as a peer reviewer/specialist advisor. I am also a clinical reviewer of the nursing involvement in cases of sudden Death in Prison Custody for Health Inspectorate Wales and NHS England.

Barry Day. CQSW. FCMI

I am a successful and experienced independent consultant and interim leader, performance and organisational development facilitator in a wide variety of roles. Previously, I have been an Executive Director with Interim/Acting Chief Executive experience – 10+ years as Chief Operating Officer/Director of Operations/Deputy CEO in a number of large integrated NHS organisations.

I am an experienced Senior Executive Director with a social work practitioner background (Inc. ASW) and experience of working within and across Health and Social Care Services as well as the Independent and 3rd sector.

I have the ability to inform and influence national strategy and service delivery through others, my past demonstrates that I am able to lead system reform, service re-design, service integration and modernisation, working across boundaries and organisations.

I am an experienced voluntary sector volunteer, committee Chair and committee member
National Specialist Adviser with Mental Health Safety Improvement Partnership (MHSIP). Specialist Social Work Adviser with CQC. West Midlands ADASS Peer Reviewer

Specialist Areas Include:
Community Development | Health & Social Care Integration | Service Redesign | Policy Implementation | Change Management | Team and Personal Development | Facilitation | Coaching | Co-production and Service Improvement | Leadership Development